John Hassall – Part 7


In 1900, Hassall opened his own New Art School and School of Poster Design in Kensington, with the help of his former teacher Van Havermaet; he numbered Bert Thomas, H M Bateman and Harry Rountree among his students. In 1908, the school amalgamated with Frank Brangwyn’s London School, but was closed at the outbreak of the First World War. In the post war period, he ran the very successful John Hassall Correspondence School.

For more information about John Hassall see part 1, and for earlier works, see parts 1 – 6 also.

This is part 7 of of a 12-part series on the works of John Hassall:

c1909 Golfing lithographs:

A Bad Lie
colour lithograph 27.5 x 71 cm

A Bad Lie detail

A Drive
colour lithograph 27.5 x 71 cm

A Drive detail

colour lithograph 27.5 x 71 cm

Bunkered detail

colour lithograph 27.5 x 71 cm

Putting detail

Putting detail

1910 Voelker Mantles
colour lithograph poster 300.4 x 199.7 cm
V&A Museum, London

1910 The Waiting Virgin, from the Three of Hearts

1910 The Tin Soldier cover design
watercolour, gouache and ink
published by Blackie & Son Ltd

1910 Take a Kodak with you
The Kodak Girl
colour lithograph poster

1910 The Army Pageant
colour lithograph poster
V&A Museum, London

1910 The Ambuscade (Ambush)
colour lithograph

1910 Queen Mary and Knot had many talks together
colour lithograph

1910 Morecombe
colour lithograph poster

1910 Bruce brought his battle axe crashing down on the head of Bohun
colour lithograph

c1910 A Suffragette’s Home

A man arrives home ‘after a hard day’s work!’ to find his children alone and sobbing. The lamp has run out of fuel and is smoking. Pinned to a ‘Votes for Women’ poster is a note saying ‘Back in an hour or so.’ written by the mother of the household who has gone off to a suffragette meeting. 

c1910 A Suffragette’s Home 
(National League Opposing Woman Suffrage)
colour lithograph poster

c1910 Cailler Milch-Chocolade
colour lithograph poster 148.5 x 99 cm

c1910 Irresistible!
colour lithograph
© Mary Evans Picture Library

c1910 Nugget Polishes
“And I haven’t rubbed it yet”
colour lithograph poster 150 x 100cm

c1910 Orient Line Cruises to Sunny Lands
colour lithograph poster 101 x 63.4 cm
V&A Museum, London

c1910 Robinson Crusoe
published by Blackie & Son Ltd.

c1910 The Old Nursery Stories and Rhymes,
published by Blackie & Son Ltd:

Red Riding-Hood makes ready to start
colour lithograph

Red Riding-Hood meets the Wolf
colour lithograph

The Woodcutter saves Red Riding-Hood
colour lithograph

c1910 Yours to Command 
pen and ink and watercolour 13.5 x 19 cm

1911 A Bit of a Surprise
Illustrated London News
colour lithograph
© Illustrated London News Ltd / Mary Evans

1911 Barcelona, Ciudad de Invierno (Winter City)
colour lithograph poster 129 x 97 cm

1911 The Bargain
watercolour 25.4 x 35.5 cm

1911 Worth It. A picture that tells it’s own story
colour lithograph
© Illustrated London News Ltd / Mary Evans

c1911 Hampton Court (The Tudor Bridge) by Tram
colour lithograph poster 75.3 x 50 cm
V&A Museum, London

c1911 The Old Fiddler
© Mary Evans Picture Library

1912 “Come out and share”
colour lithograph
© Mary Evans Picture Library

1912 Give me a vote and see what I’ll do!
Anti-suffrage comic card

1912 The Glad Eye, The Strand Theatre September 2nd 1912
“He tole me he was goin up in a balloon.” “I don’t think”
ink and watercolour 27 x 21 cm

c1912 Underground, Royal Naval and Military Tournament at Olympia
colour lithograph poster 101.8 x 64.4 cm
V&A Museum, London

c1913 Popular Nursery Rhymes
published by Blackie & Sons
colour lithograph cover

c1913 Great Adventurer by Arnold Bennett

Colour lithograph poster advertising a production of the play, first produced at the Kingsway Theatre, London, 25 March 1913.

c1913 Great Adventurer by Arnold Bennett
colour lithograph poster 73.7 x 47.8 cm
V&A Museum, London

1913 When in Doubt take the Underground
colour lithograph poster 102 x 64 cm

1913 Wee Macgreegor frontispiece
published by Thos. Nelson & Sons

1913 Laden
watercolour 25.4 x 34.9 cm

1914 Mameena, Globe Theatre w
two-colour poster
© Mary Evans Picture Library

1914-15 Bannockburn
oil on canvas 125.7 x 180.3 cm
The Collection: Art & Archaeology in Lincolnshire (Usher Gallery)

1914-15 The Blacksmith’s Shop

1914-18 Follow The Drum recruitment poster
colour lithograph

1914c Madame Tussaud’s – Relics Of The French Revolution
colour lithograph poster 76 x 50.5 cm
V&A Museum, London

c1914 Travelling Man
details not found
© CLM Archive Collection / Mary Evans

Arts and Entertainment